Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday.

It's that time of the week again and luckily I'm on time this week.

I'm loving that the older I get the more I value the friends I have.
Someone said to me a couple of weeks ago that the older you get the smaller but closer your group of friends gets. I like to think it's because you become more intentional in your friendships since that is one of my goals for the year :) I thank God everyday for Angela, Kelly, Brandi, and Jessica. They are my soulmates when it comes to friends. We text and talk to each other when we are sad, happy, have news to share, prayer request, or just want to talk. I'm pretty sure if you looked at my phone the majority of my text are used up by those 4 people There are one or two that could be thrown in there (Nixon). God has blessed me beyond belief.

I'm loving that I have almost completely stopped listening to anything but christian music. It wasn't intentional but it was and my life has been so much more blessed as a result.

I'm loving that I have the sweetest niece ever.
Have I mentioned that she smiled for me on Saturday night. She loves me but not near as much as I love her.

I'm loving that in less than 48 hours I will be spending a weekend with a bunch of teenagers that will be filled with praising God.
There is nothing more powerful than worshipping with a bunch of teenagers.

I'm loving that I love my singleness and am able to embrace it.
It's allowed me to experience a lot in life that I might not have otherwise. It's given me a confidence in my self and allowed me to develop a deep relationship with God that I know I would not have had if I was not in my current state of singleness.

I love that God has children picked out for me to love one day.
I may not know them now but he has a plan and I will be faithful to. I don't love the feeling I get when someone tells me they know of a person giving their child up. It's a major let down when you don't get that "this is it" feeling. I kind of compare it to being told your pregnant but getting a call right after and saying the test was wrong. I've had too many false positives in the last couple of weeks and to be honest it's kind of draining.

I love that everyday is a new day and hopefully tomorrow I'm going to wake up and my hip will be all better. A girl can hope right :)

Now that you know what I'm loving, what has God blessed you with this week?

- Jordan -

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