Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This little Mind of Mine.

To say that I have a billion and one things flowing through my mind right now would be an understatement. Those who know me would say that this is probably when I thrive the most. I like to have a lot going on. I like to stay busy. Just a few of the things on my priority list are:

  1. Getting my decor together for the Relay for Life Survivor's Dinner on Friday night.

  2. Getting the decor together for our Relay for Life Campsite.

  3. Getting baskets together for a Silent Auction. Every dollar counts even last minute one's to find a cure for this ugly disease :)

  4. I'm sure find another game for our Children's Ministry Summer Kick-Off party on Sunday. Rain or Shine!

  5. Visit my fantabulous youth kids at night during Workcamp this week.

  6. Catch a game or two of my little brothers.

  7. Wrap my head around where I think God is pointing my Adoption plans.

  8. Getting back to me. Finding my joy that was momentarily stomped on.

Let's talk about number 7 because I'm sure that one's got you as curious as it does me and is the biggest reason why I'm writing this post. I'm a big supporter of 147 Million Orphans and have several of their t-shirts, etc. as well as shirts from other families adopting Internationally. They are currently in Uganda. One of the countries on the Top of my list since day 1. Yes I said countries. I'm not stopping at one. I plan to have a home full of orphans one day :).

I have felt since my hysterectomy that I wanted to adopt domestically but the last few days there has really been a change in my heart. I really feel a tug towards Uganda. A tug stronger than I've ever felt. I will of course continue to pray about it until I feel the time is right before me to take the steps towards bring a child to it's forever home. I don't say all this to mean that I plan on starting this process tomorrow. It cost a lot to bring a child home and there are still a few things I need/want to do personally before I take this on but I just had to share what was on my heart. I strongly believe God puts things, obstacles, ideas, people in our lives to chart our courses. I'm putting my faith in God that he will take me where he want's to take me.

Number 8 is a big one. Finding my joy again. I allowed the devil to stomp on my joy and I let my light fade a little. I'm not proud of that. It caused me to seperate myself for a while and become more withdrawn with the exception of only a very small group of people. I let the devil win. Not anymore. I never have or nor will I begin leaving my life for wordly things and people. My life should be God centered and he should be the only that I should fear disappoint from. Getting away from my "life" for 7 days allowed me to do a lot of reflecting. I hope it makes me a better person and a better example for my youth girls. I live my life everyday hoping to set an example for these girls to follow. I choose my words as carefully as I choose my clothing and my makeup each morning. I only hope I instill some of those characters in these girls. Working with these girls will not only help restore my joy but ignite a new flame in my light. They are one of my sources of strength and they keep motivated on the course God has chartered for me. I can't wait to start our summer devo's and dive into what God has on our hearts. Watch out devil because I'm back and next time it's going to be a lot harder to take me down!

Now that you've seen a little bit of what is going thru my head, I'm going to get back to that list up above. Lucky for me it's almost all started and almost all completed with the exception of the last 2 which can't be rushed :)


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