Thursday, March 14, 2013

Humble Thoughts

In my last post I was asking for clothes advice for Easter and in this one I've given myself a reality check.  Two years ago, instead of buying a new dress and shoes to wear on this special day, I purchased a new 147 Million Orphans shirt to add to my collection and sparkly Tom's.  Both of which, help provide the basic neccesity's that we take for granted everyday. 

I'm not at all saying that it's wrong to want things, shop, etc. because I will be the first person to raise my hand for a new pair of shoes or purse.  I love a good barn sale or flea market.   For me, I'm taking a look at what I want people to see when they look at me.  Is it someone representing the latest fashions or is it someone trying to help the less fortunate.  James 1:27 states that
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.". 
Buying a shirt to support an adoption or help bring wells to an area where clean water is a luxury and not a neccesity is only a small part that can be played to bring awareness and knowledge to those words spoken in James. 

So on Easter this year I will be wearing the Toms mentioned in my last post but they will be worn with a shirt from Voices 4 the Voiceless and beads made by women Karamojong tribe in Uganda.  It may not effect anyone else but it's humbled this girls heart and on a day that we celebrate the sacrifices that Jesus made for us, I hope to only bring a portion of awareness to those around us who have so little and obey the words written in James.

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