Monday, July 25, 2011

Being Grateful

It's been a while since I posted but it's because I've been so busy this summer. I'm pretty sure I've gone none stop but it's been doing a lot of fabulous things including building a stronger relationship with the person who is number 1 in my life, God.

1) My first trip of the summer was with my family to the beach. I may be partial but God has blessed me with a pretty wonderful family. We've gone through a lot of trials over the last couple of years and continue to go through them but with each one we only grow stronger. I'm blessed to have a family that doesn't hinder me, doesn't hold me back, and let's me stand on my own two feet. Having a family that taught me the value of hard work is what made me the person I am today and probably why I'm going on close to 12 years now with a great company.

2) That great work ethic leads into the rest of my summer trips. God has blessed me with a wonderful job that allows me an income as well as vacation time to take some pretty great trips with my youth kids. We started out at Workcamp of which I was able to join the kids at night for worship. Workcamp evening worship is amazing. That many kids praising God can leave you in awe. It's always amazing to me when I leave an event and am so full I could burst, but yet I never really spoke. It comes from these kids!

3) Our 2nd and 3rd trips of the Summer were IMPACT. There are no words to describe Impact. Was it fun? Sure. Was it an awakening within my soul? Absolutely. Praising God with your arms in the air and singing without a care in the world can bring you to your knee's. Having youth kids pray over you and praying over them can leave you breathless. Having one of your teens come to you with arms wide open, in tears, asking for you to pray for them, is priceless. We developed a connection on a different level and brought about a change and desire in this group of teen's hearts that you would have had to be there to see it develop. This event was a God thing and made possible only by his will and it's an event that I'll never miss again.

3) The last trip we've taken is church camp. Church Camp was definitely interesting this year. We had another youth group join us which was great. We had 4 baptism's which was awesome and I walked away with a gift from camp that has continued to keep on giving. A broken hand. A result of a little too much slip and slide fun with the Pee Wee's, Mrs Debbie, and the girls. It was great and I'll do it again next year I'm sure. Minus the broken hand. Now let's talk about the best part of camp and the most rewarding when you've worked with this Youth Group as long as I have, Baptisms. It's one of our biggest purposes as christians, to bring others to Christ. To exalt his name and not our own. To give him the glory in everything and not in just our successes.
  • Tristan Wall - I've loved this little guy literally since he was born. I babysat him in high school and college and have watched him grow into a tween. It amazes me that he will be in the youth group this year and I can't wait to watch him grow in his walk with the Lord.
  • Heather Harbin - It's funny that at Impact, Heather and I had a few conversations at night walking back to the dorms or over meals. It is amazing when you get the opportunity to watch a girls love for the Lord blossom, even when she doesn't see it herself. I saw a change coming about in Heather at Impact and it made my heart so happy. Heather found her place within our group that week and I think that opened her eye's and heart to what more God might have in store for her.
  • Blake Denson - Oh how I love this kid. Blake has been in and out of the youth group and I've prayed a lot for Blake over the last 2 years. When he is on fire for God he is on fire. He brings an energy with him that get's everyone else revved up around him. He has some pretty amazing talents God has blessed him with that will work to his advantage as he does work for the Lord. I'm so glad he made the decision at the last minute to still come to camp. The Devil was definitely working hard to keep Blake away but God won in the end and I gained another brother in Christ.
  • Carlee Pritchard - My heart was already full with Blake's decision on Thursday night but when I saw Carlee get up and come over and tell me that she wanted to be baptized I thought my heart my burst in my chest. I love Carlee and I'm so blessed to have her as a part of our girls group. She is such a light to the girls around her and has such a beautiful spirit that Carlee is going to do great things. I just know it!
See what I mean when I say I've had a lot of opportunities to really build on my relationship with God as well as a lot of reasons to be grateful! He has provided me with a lot of opportunities this summer and I'm eternally grateful for each and everyone of them. I've grateful that he continues to allow me to work with these girls. I'm grateful that he continues to use me in a way that I couldn't on my own. It's amazing how when you put yourself aside and your selfish desires, God will work in your life. Some ways are small and some are big but you'll know it. Trust me, he'll tell you!

I'll leave you with this thought from Crazy Love by Francis Chan. If you've not read it then I highly recommend it, trust me I've read it 3 times and still get something out of it every time I pick it up!

A person who is obsessed with Jesus knows that the sin of pride is always a battle. Obsessed people know that you can never be humble enough, and so they seek to make themselves less known and Christ more known. - Frances Chan, Crazy Love

Are you grateful to God for what he has blessed you with? Do you have a humble heart and are you giving the Glory to God each and every day or are you taking credit for the good in your life?


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