Thursday, February 7, 2008

Another Day...

So my day went a little better than it did yesterday:) I went to Physical Therapy and she is giving my shoulder blades and back a rest and not taping me up again until Monday which is great b/c that stuff really starts to itch and get annoying after the 1st 24 hours. Winterfest is almost here and it seems like everything is going smoothly on that front too which is great!

My diaper cake/gift basket business is slowly growing too which is great and I've had several ask me if I ever plan on opening a shop which would be a dream come true so please keep that in your prayers! I think I may try to make some of those pillowcase dresses so if you have a child I can test them on that would be great!!!

But anyways that's enough rambling for one night, I think I'm going to bed since I have to put in a 16 hour day at work tomorrow, yipeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


Joni said...

I love pillowcase dresses. Post some pictures when you get one finished. I might be interested in buying one.
Joni Nesbitt

Amy Griffin said...

I think you are right Jordan! You will know next time when I sign up right?

Elizabeth S said...

Hey Jordan! It's Elizabeth Shirley. I don't remember how I found your blog, but I just wanted to say hey. Visit me anytime! Love, Elizabeth

Amy Griffin said...

I know what you mean about not knowing the names - me either! I kept thinking I know it is on 31W...