Saturday, June 21, 2008

Beginning a Journey....

I let you know what has been going on in my life the last few weeks in my email below. Well to follow-up on Friday I ran all my camp errands with Josh and hit a wall on my way to the church about noon. I really wanted a diet coke and considering I had not had anything nor wanted anything to drink since the day before I thought I should indulge! BIG MISTAKE!!! I was sick almost before I could get to church so I call the doctor to let them know that I'm still feeling pretty badly so they asked me to come in. I felt a little shaky in the waiting room but what is to be expected when you lose 8 lbs in 3 days?!?! The nurse comes in and starts taking my blood's how the conversation went:

Nurse: " I'm going to go get Krystal b/c I seem to have something wrong with my ears
(even though she's tried both arms)
Me: That's funny because I definilty know I'm breathing and alive (I hope anyways)
Nurse Krystal: "I seem to be having trouble as well, maybe it's the crazy weather".
Me: I'm definitly freaked at this point that 2 nurses can't hear my blood pressure or find it. Off they go to get another nurse.
3rd Nurse: Oh there it is but very faint. It's 60/80, do you need to lay down b/c there's a possiblity you might pass out on us at this point???"
Me: No, I'm not dizzy but considering I'am still breathing and talking I think I'll survive this!

As you can tell it was not a fun conversation! The doctor put me back on the brat diet for a few days and I was supposed to go back for more test on Monday but as you know I went to camp against the better judgement of my doctor. Armed with lots of books and diets to try, it definitly filled in what little lulls I've had while "resting".

Through some research though I have found more out. Fibromyalgia is not a "disease" b/c diseases have cures, it is a Syndrome b/c there is no known cause or cure. I will hopefully be able to start my new med's on Monday and be feeling better soon although the idea of no caffeine or sugar for possibly the rest of my life does not sound pleasant but I guess you do what it takes to keep from hurting everytime you bump something or someone hugs or touches you! Faith and prayer are strong things and I know God will pull me through this!


Amy Griffin said...

I can't believe you made it through camp. The caffeine/sugar thing does sound bad but we would all be better off without. I really hope you feel better soon and get all worked out. I will keep you in my prayers.

Joni said...

Wow, that'a a lot to deal with. I will pray that things get better.

joyof3boys said...

You are in my prayers. Let me know if there is anything else that I can do.