Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So, my clumsiness has once again gotten the better of me. All I will say about the fall is that I was walking thru a yard at night and fell in a hole! If you want to know the rest then you will have to be sworn to secrecy and also note that no alcohol whatsoever played a part in this no matter what you hear!

I know have a right leg that looks like a cat used me as a scratching post as the hold was beside a poorly put in sidewalk. When I first fell my ankle hurt pretty badly but I was able to get up and laugh it off. Well by Sunday night my ankle had started swelling and it had already been difficult to move but now it was very stiff no matter how mobile I tried to keep it. After a bunch of argueing with my primary physican's on call doctor they finally were able to secure my an appt with my favorite orthapedic doctor, Dr Yu at TN Orthapedics. Those of you who know my story know that Dr Yu and his Nurse Julie are like family after seeing them every 2 weeks for 18 months! Anyways, I was fine with that and thought that maybe I would be feeling better by my appt and might could cancel it. Well that was until I went home and soaked in Epsom Salts. I felt okay afterwards and my ankle actually looked like the swelling had gone down but when I was reading a book later my arm went stiff in a curved position, no fun. So either I strained and bruised the whole right side of my body or the pain in my leg and foot are starting to effect the rest of my body which would not be uncommon with my Fibromyalgia.

I slept well last night, and low and behold feel a little better until I go to finish getting ready for work when this horrible pain starts shooting from my knee to my hip to my lower back. I'm hoping it is just a pinched nerve and if I go home tonight and rest I'll feel better in the morning that or my and the chiropractor will have to have a visit!

So for all the others who were my coherts on Saturday night. God has forgiven you and definitly not me!!!! Now you ask if it worth it??? Absolutly!!!


Joni said...

You can't get ahead can you?
I hope it continues to get better!
I will be checking for updates.

Amy Griffin said...

girl...i hope your ankle is feeling better! I am clumsy too so I won't laugh.