This is very important for many reasons, one being that she only gets worse every day and is beginning again to need pain medication after every therapy which is not good. Tenn Care will also not take Emerie on unless we have a definite diagnosis. Once we do they will pick anything up that the main coverage will not and when you are in the 3 types of therapy 3 times a week then you need all the help you can get, not to mention the doctors visits and test in between.

Emerie will also be going into a more bulky kneck brace at night. It's a lot larger thant the one she had after surgery and for those who don't remember, I'll put a picture. Needless to say she probably won't be sleeping well. But a least she won't have to wear it during the day for now.
For all you walkers/runners, there will be a benefit held on Saturday May 9th in Hendersonville. The cost I believe is $25 a person or $75 for a family. Once the flyer is completed I will post it on here. Thanks to Dr Cohen's office for setting this up!
Thanks again for the continued support and prayers in the quest for answers!
1 comment:
We will keep you all in our prayers and let me know about the run. I am interested!
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