Sunday, February 20, 2011

Excessive PDA...

This is a topic that has been bothering me a lot lately. It bothers me that teens think it's okay to hang all over each other, no matter where they are. The sexual innuendo's and language, both verbally and physically, really unnerve me.

When did this become acceptable prior to marriage???

When did christian adults that are in a dating relationship stop setting the example of what is worthy in God's eye's?

When did affections that were made for marriage become acceptable in dating relationships?

As you can tell this has definitely been on my mind. One of the biggest reasons is because I have youth kids that watch my every move. They look to me to set the example. How embarrassed would I be if my youth kids saw me leaning all over a guy. Pawing him as if he was an animal. There is not a name yet for the shade of red I would be!

If we are supposed to keep our relationships pure and holy in God's eye's until marriage, excessive PDA definitely contradicts this. As Christians we are called to be examples and a light unto the world. Within relationships we are expected to uphold a certain level of accountability and discretion, whether it is platonic or intimate. Everywhere you go won’t be filled with people you know and even when you are surrounded with people that are familiar with your relationship I believe that reverence for God and respect for yourself should manage your affairs both in public and in private.

May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer
Psalm 19:14

A person without self-control is as defenseless as a city with broken-down walls.
Proverbs 25:28
So think clearly and exercise self-control. Look forward to the special blessings that will come to you at the return of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 1:13


LorenHelen said...

Jordan you are such a good example to all the youth girls! I am so glad you are involved as Whitney gets more into the youth group, because she has you to look up to. I agree that the young girls now think things that are meant for marriage and private are acceptable for public and being so young. I hope that I can be an example too, like you. Keep being a true woman of God because the girls follow you and you are a great woman for them to look up to.

Mommy Burkey said...

It makes me totally uncomfortable regardless. Even if you are married...I'm super happy that you like your spouse, but seriously???? Can't you just wait till you find a more private place? You're freakin' me out!

Unknown said...

Brittany, I'm so glad I'm not alone in that feeling! I don't understand why people feel everyone in the world needs to see that. I honestly sometimes feel it come from insecurity and need for other's to feel jealous of what they have when it really just makes me want to run in the other direction or at least another room.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the compliments Loren. I think everyone of us has it to be an example and are when God leads our hearts.