Monday, April 25, 2011

A Season of Change

Another weekend has passed but it was one that will change how I celebrate this holiday forever. Many people view the week prior to Easter as one spent running around getting Easter Outfits, eggs, and goodies for Easter Baskets. They forget all the events that Lead up to the resurrection of our Christ. Good Friday is a day viewed by most as a free day off work, not as they day that Jesus was persecuted.

My Good Friday was spent this year, first at work and then at The Journey Church where my brother-in-law is the Youth Pastor. We spent the afternoon filling information packets for visitors/new members to take on Easter Sunday and then finished the night with a Good Friday service. The video that was shown was so incredibly powerful and really struck a cord with me. This is the life changing part. I don't think I'll ever look at Good Friday as just any other day that is spent with friends going to dinner, watching movies, or whatever else comes along. From this point on I will be in a sanctuary praising the one who died for ME. The one who made it possible for me to worship freely without being condemned from those around me. HE is the one that matters most, not the petty stuff that we allow to cloud our visions.

My Easter Sunday was spent in a church worshiping my God. Vic spoke about how we should be living for Christ 24/7 and how true is that. How many of us live that life on Sunday and maybe on Wednesday if we feel up to it. How many of us put on the face of a christian but are tearing each other down behind closed doors. Not me. Not anymore. I'm defending my faith and living for Christ alone. He has blessed me immensly and continue's to open door's for me and I truly believe if I was living how he wanted me to then there would lot's of roadblocks.

In between praising my God there was lot's of family time as well. I know everyone thinks they have the best family and friends and I'm no different. My family is pretty special. They are the kind of family that everyone is family whether we've known you 5 minutes or your entire life. I started out at lunch at Chilli's after church with Dad, Taylor, Lake, Sophie, Layton, Angela, Bree, Tyler, Darrell, and Savannah. It was yummy food and even better company escpecially sitting by a window and watching the sky darkening wondering when a tornado would drop. After lunch I headed to my mom's side for dessert. While everyone ate I got the privilege of feeding Ms Ava her bottle and giving her an Easter Basket from Aunt JoJo.

After that it was off to White House for the Kirby Easter Extravaganza. Angela and Tyler joined us there. There is nothing like sitting around eating yummy desserts while kids run around playing and catching up on life. We truly laugh and cry together over life's trials and blessings every time we are together.

My Easter Sunday was finished off by taking pictures of Kelly and her family for Mother's Day gifts and a cook out at my dads with Jessica, Josh, Ava, the Welborns, Darrell, Savannah, and a friend of my dad's and her family. It was a very relaxing evening to top off a very crazy weekend and I've begun looking forward to these cook-outs since they have been occuring on a pretty regular basis now that the warm weather is here.

God has definitely blessed me with wonderful friends and family who are there for me through thick and thin. I hope you were able to stop this weekend and appreciate the sacrifice he made for you.

I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. - Philippians 3:10-12

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