Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 in Review!

This past year held lots of new adventures for me and I would love to say it was the best one yet but I'm pretty sure the day I step off a plan e with my very own little will probably top any moment I had this year!

The start of the year began with preparing for first niece's baby shower....the frantic craziness to finish getting ready for her.

The month of Winterfest.  I love it and look forward to it every year.  Have I mention I love these youth kids with all my heart.  We also had our 1st big fundraiser in the form of a Valentines Dinner = Success.


March brought the arrival of Ava Elizabeth Waggoner and what a perfect day it was.  March entailed a lot of time spent helping my sister and brother-in-law adjust to going from a family of 2 to a family of 3.  God definitely blessed our family this month.


March also brought my 1st Adoption Fundraiser...A Yardsale!

April brought the 1st holiday gathering of the year:  Easter.  Lot's of family time and lots of last minute planning for a family vacation trip that we decided to take at the end of May.

May brought a very  busy but fun month.  It brought the graduation of 3 of  our high school youth group seniors.


It brought the baby shower of one of my very good friends.

It brought our 1st family vacation since I was in high school.

Impact.  Enough Said.


Church Camp.

My beautiful niece turned 1/2 year old & we had the 1st of many girls nights at Las!


The craziness of Fall Life begins at work & Ava becomes confused on which SEC team is the best.


High School Retreats, Ava's 1st Halloween, and Katy's 15th Birthday!


Gatlinburg, Breaking Dawn,  Thanksgiving, & Shopping.

Lots and lots of parties and fun moments with Ava!


I can't wait to see what 2012 holds!

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