Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fun Weekend of Ikea, Cheer, New Painting, Etc...

Crazy you may think me but if you've ever been to Ikea then you would know that I'm not! There is no other store like it even to the extent that I would drive to Goodlettsville at 5:00 pm to pick up Angela then head to Lebanon to pick up my brother-in-law and begin the trek at 6:00 pm. (My sister was already down there if you were wondering just how in touch my brother-in-law was with his femine side.) You would also think I was even crazier if you knew I got there at 11:30 Atlanta time and b/c we had a free room, I slept in the bed with my sister, Angela slept in a chaise lounge and we put Josh on the floor in a NorthFace sleeping bag that we've now established he's only slept in 10 times! The new day arrives about 7 hours later (not to my liking but because my sister is not the quietest of dressers and packers) . By 10:00 we are packed up and headed to Starbucks b/c 1) my sister is going to leave her meeting early and 2) b/c I'm not stupid and did not forget that we were in Atlanta even though we were in the Peachtree area! By 11:45 we are entering the world of Ikea, yipeeeee!

As Angela told Layton, you know a store is big when they have their own restaurant mid-way thru the store! We ate lunch about 1:30 and were in the check-out lane at 4:00. As much as we would have like to continue to wander, the idea of sitting in rush hour Atlanta trip did nothing for us. Here are a few of my cute finds...
For Baby Marron's Room... It's a nightlight/light that hangs on the wall, notice how the the cord is green so it looks like a stem?!?!?! TOO CUTE!

I picked one of these nifty little tree's for Sydney to hang her necklaces on. At least I think it's for necklaces and nobody has said any diffrently other than to think it was too cool in my room.

On Saturday, I went to Tyler's first ballgame and then to lunch at Cheddars. Stopped in NY&Co since I didn't spend all my cash I saved at Ikea, got a cute sweater and headed home. Now if I really wanted to be honest and tell you how I'm toooo much like the character in "Confessions of a Shopaholic" then I would admit that I was supposed to be shopping for running shoes but that got boring so I headed across the street, bad I know but who could resist this sweater??? It's just what you need to warm up a winter day!

Oh and I forgot to mention that I had picked up a

cute polka dot button up shirt last week that

was too cute with it as well...

After shopping it was home to get ready to go to Taylor's (my little sister who is not so little and turned 18 two weeks ago) cheer competition. She cheers for the local high school and they did great, coming in 2nd place. Not that I'm biased but they should have won 1st place. Not one drop the whole time! Here are some pic's that she'll thank me for later...

The night ended with me, dad, Lake, Taylor, Atlee, Jessica, and Josh going to Satco and then Ben & Jerry's! I love spending time with my family even though it doesn't happen often enough!

Lastly here is the painting in progress for Marron's room. Her baby bedding is the John Lennon "all i need is love" and I'm excited how it is turning out.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings! I hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend as well and a great week! Oh and did I mention it's supposed to be in the 50's and 60's again this weekend! YAY!!!


1 comment:

Amy Griffin said...

ohh,ohh take me with you next time! and I love the flower light and your painting - so cute!