Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Grateful Heart

This past month has been pretty big in my life. My first niece was born. We held another succesful fundraiser for our youth group. My adoption yard sale was this past weekend. All of this happened in the span of 2 weeks. To say that I was exhausted would be an understatement. If I thought my body had completely healed from my hysterectomy I was proven wrong.

As I sat at our youth devo on Sunday night, some words were spoken that got me thinking. Gannon talked about how christianity isn't always easy. It's hard the majority of the time. Making the decision on what to wear, what to watch on tv, what to listen to on your ipod that is glorifying to God is a struggle sometimes. Do I always make the right decisions in what I fill my mind with? No, that's what makes us human. That's were God's grace fills us.

All of this gets me back to my Adoption Yard Sale. I would like to say I was succesful but really think of it more as being blessed. Many people opened their hearts and wallets to help bring my future child home. As blessed as I was in the end, it was hard work to get there. I've, as well as a few others, spent countless hours over the last couple of weeks gathering items, organizing, and getting the word out. I wish I could name every person that helped make this past weekend possible but I know I would leave someone out but know you'll be getting a thank you card in the mail! I truly feel God chose me to adopt and this weekend just reaffirmed that. He never said it would be easy just that he would be there along the way. Adoption is definitly a rough road but I think he puts the success of weekends like these in our paths to prove it will be worth it and to reward us for for choosing to follow his plan with our lives. Bills are stressful, health problems are stressful, figuring out how to pay for the abillty to be a mother is off the scale but in his time it is worth it.

I do have to thank 3 people though because I honestly could not have not it without them. They gave up many hours, days, and months to help me and they are Angela, Layton, & Darrell. If I needed anything they willingly did it. Again, many people helped make it a success but I just had to point out these 3 because I can honestly say that without them it would not have happened.

This is why I come to you with a greatful heart.

In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. - Peter 1:6-7


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