Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What I Wore for Easter Edition.

Last weekend my high school Youth Minister had a status that got me to thinking. I didn't get his permission to post this so it may come down but knowing Brent he'll be fine with it.

is just being honest.....Sunday I will once again seriously question whether the tradition of new Easter outfits for church should be abandoned in favor of funding the adoption of a child or digging a clean water well in Africa.

This got me to thinking. It's a well known fact that I've become an advocate for orphans. So I did what I could do to make a difference for those kids who weren't getting new clothes for Easter, who weren't getting a visit from the Easter bunny, for those who might not even get a piece of bread much less an Easter meal. I took back my dress and kept walking past the cute wedges. I bought my first pair of pink sparkly Toms and donned my 147 Million Orphans shirt from their spring line. The money I used to purchase these items went to buy a pair of shoes for a child who doesn't have them and went to help fund the adoption of another child.

I'm pretty sure that though I didn't have on Easter Attire and dress shoes, God was smiling down on me. Through my Easter Attire I was a walking orphan advocate.
How awesome is that!!!

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.

James 1:27

1 comment:

Joni said...

Love that attitude!