Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Blind Faith...

Blind faith is something I feel that I have struggled with all of my life. I constantly find myself asking the What if question, What if I don't choose the direction God wants, what if I misread signals. Well, I've found myself in a situation that has truly smacked me in the face on what it means to have blind faith. A lot of my emails lately have been on my cousin Emerie. Emerie has been a very special little person in my life since the day she was born as well as all of her siblings. If your having a bad day, go see Emerie, her smile always makes things easier. She has made me question God on why a child so helpless could be in so much pain when she is part of a family that is always trying to give God the glory he deserves. When we found out 2 weeks ago that in a little over a week Emerie would be having an operation that could possibly change her life forever, the endless stream of questions would be answered, and we might possibly have a little girl that would once again be active again. We went on faith that the doctors and nurses would take care of her as if she was her own. We had faith that God would do what he would see fit. Our faith was questioned when the doctor called us back to tell us that the outcome was better than first thought but we were no closer than finding an answer than when we went into surgery at 7:15 am. She spent 3 miserable days in the CCU unit and we were once again touched by another family who lost their 7 year old daughter to a choking incident. Faith once again popped up because we started praying that God would take care of this family and bring them comfort. Faith that God would watch over this family!

I had faith when I was walking Emerie around and she wanted to get down and walk that God would allow her this joy that she found a week before surgery. She was very wobbly, both from the collar and medicines and could only walk if she held both of your hands, but she could do it and proved that even more so this weekend when she started walking from the kitchen to the living room! Faith that God would take care of Emerie sprang up once again!

You ask why I say all of this and I think it's not only because I need to see something tangible that is in reality not something I can touch or feel. Because I ask for continued prayers that I will be able to keep my faith as we continue on in our fight to heal Emerie or at least give her the standard of life that every 14 month old child deserves. Faith that I can be there for my aunt and uncle during those times when they need it the most. Faith that as I share Emerie's story and how God is working thru her maybe we will bring someone closer to his glory!

but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. ~ Isaiah 40:31


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