Emerie got to come home on Wednesday but we are still answerless, all that we know is that God has big plans for this little girl and we will do whatever it takes to help her lead a normal life. I know I’ve said it countless times but thank-you, thank-you, thank-you for your many prayers, phone calls and support. It seems no matter when I get down I get a phone call or email from Angela, Kelly, Gina, and many more. We have a very long road to discover ahead of us and I ask that you keep our little Angel in your prayers. It’s amazing how a child can touch a life but thru her story this child has touched many. I’m slightly sleep deprived and stressed this week so I’m not sure if I shared but we received a very special gift on Monday. The FCA Sponsor brought a large sum of money that had been collected from the football game Friday night and at school on Monday. The most extraordinary part of it is that only $300 was raised on Friday night, over $1000 was raised at school on Monday by students who asked for no adult help but took a step out on their own and raised money for Emerie. Sydney (Tina’s oldest) has a special talent of always letting God’s light shine thru and obviously the students at WHHS see that and wanted to help in some way. This is just one of the many way’s God has blessed us this week.
I shared a verse in our Wednesday class two weeks ago that always remains in the forefront of my mind to not only get me thru this week but my family.
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. ~ Isaiah 40:31
Tina also included any update on the little girl that we requested prayers for on Wednesday. Being in CCU at a Children’s Hospital really puts life in perspective and makes you want to hold on to the children around you forever. You never realize how lucky you truly are until you see what other children and families are going thru.
I hope everyone has a safe and blessed weekend!
First Day Home
Posted 11 hours ago
We are very glad to be home. We didn't get home last night until 9:oo and the kids were all excited and bouncing off the walls so I didn't get to do an update on Emerie. Emerie finally was able to get some sleep in her own baby bed (usually the only place Emerie likes to sleep) I think the whole atmosphere in the CCU scared her with all the machines and the big hospital baby bed. She is still on alot of pain medicine to help with pain and to help her relax. It doesn't seem to slow her down though. She wants to crawl and climb and it makes us nervous that she may bust her stitches out. The collar is over the top of the stitches so hopefully that will protect them. She is getting more used to the collar but there are moments when she really wants it off. We have done a lot of snuggling today. The doctor came in last night and said that all the test came back and there is definitely something wrong it is just not something obvious that they can find. The test all appeared normal. He wants us to wait four weeks and let Emeries muscle heal back together and her incision heal. We will then see how much progress she has made and he will decide at that point where we need to go next. He said that another doctor would want her healed before he saw her. He is so frustrated also. He wants us to go back to a neurologist for sure, but we have seen every pediatric neurologist in Nashville and the surrounding areas, so we will probably be headed out of town. He wants her to have aggressive physical therapy four days a week for the next six weeks but we have already been doing that for months now. The physical therapist will really work on the muscle to lengthen it during this time. The doctor that deals with Emerie's skull finally appeared and he said there was no way to get the helmet on top of the cervical collar, but she will have to get it on as soon as she can take the collar off. His concern is that where Emerie’s skull is flattened in the back it could push her brain forward and cause her forehead to push out because the brain would have nowhere else to go. If this happens we will have no other choice but cranial reconstruction surgery. Which will be another major surgery for Emerie. He told us if we notice her forehead shifting forward at all we need to get her to the doctor right away, and her face will start to disfigure. Her eye sockets will also get out of line. He said that we just need to pray this doesn't happen in the next four weeks. So we are in the waiting mode again. After what we witnessed this week in the CCU we are just thankful that we can hold and enjoy every minute we have with our sweet little girl. On Tuesday night I sent a update on a family that desperately needed our prayers. Well on Wednesday Jeff and I had the opportunity to meet the father of the 7 year old little girl. Everyone has been so wonderful to Jeff and I this week . People have brought all kinds of food and snacks so Wednesday Jeff told me that he had been praying for this family and he felt that we needed to do something for them. There child’s room was directly across from Emerie’s so we could see everything that was going on. We knew they had a lot of family coming and going so we decided we would share the abundance of food we had with them. We packed a big black bag filled to the brim and took it to the nurses desk and asked if they would give it to the family. She said she didn't think that was allowed but she would try. Later on we saw that she gave it to them. A man kept staring over into our room and when we were not paying any attention he came to Emerie’s door. He asked if we were the ones that shared our food and we told him that we had no idea what was going on with his child but we had been praying for her since they had arrived. We told him that we had been blessed with the food and we just wanted to share and pass the blessing on. He said that it was a blessing to his family . Holding back tears and patting his chest he said that they thought they had found a place for all her organs. They just had a few left. Jeff and I were almost speechless. We both had tears running down our face and told him his family was in our prayers. He gave us no other details. He then left the room. A little while later Jeff went to take something to the van and this dad was on the elevator with him. Jeff asked where they were from and he told him Spring Hill. He then broke down and shared with Jeff what had tragically happened to his daughter. He said his father was taking her to school and she was drinking a coke. The radio was on and when she swallowed the coke cap he didn't hear her and she must not have been able to get his attention. When he arrived at the school he discovered she wasn't breathing and he tried CPR. But it was too late. She was lifeflighted to Vanderbilt and they decided to donate her organs to save some more peoples lives. What an unselfish thing to do at such a difficult time. Jeff told him that if there was anything he could do for his family he would. Just to let him know. The man in his grief told Jeff the same thing. What a freak accident. I don't know how many times I have told my own children to not put coke caps in there mouths. This could have been my children or yours. So tonight when you put your children to bed remember how blessed you are to have them just one more day or minute for that matter. This has been a very hard week for our family, but we cannot even comprehend the grief this family is feeling at this moment. Just remember them in your prayers because they need Gods endless love and comfort right now and God is the only one that can get them through this. I will probably not do as many updates I know everyone has probably heard enough of my babbling this week, but your messages and prayers have got us through this week. I believe God placed us in the hospital this specific week for a reason and I hope we never forget how lucky we are. Our little girl is not perfect and we can't find out what is wrong with her but we still have her.
Love, Tina
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