Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Be in Prayer...

Hello, let me introduce myself. I'm Jordan, the writer of this blog that apparently fell off the face of the earth...or at least stopped writing for a while.  My heart just wasn't into it.  I've been battling a lot of internal emotions, a lot of happiness and a lot of sadness.  I sometimes feel as if Satan is attacking me everytime I hear of a baby dying when it shouldn't, someone getting pregnant (completely selfish of me I know), someone not valueing the life they've been entrusted with.  It feels as if he is laughing at me.  Please don't misunderstand that I'm not happy over new babies or new pregnancies because I am but it's just different for me and I can't help that and I can't seem to control it.  It hurts, plain and simple.  I have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars to have to experience the same joy some get in 9 months but yet complain over the cost of diapers.  I say all this to let you know that I'm not letting Satan win, I serve an all mightly God who is more important than that. 

Now about the title of my blog.  I have a friend, Amber whom I've mentioned before, that is trying to bring home her precious Anna Gray home but the Devil is definitly at work putting obstacles in their way but I know our God is much bigger.  Prayer works miracles and I need everyone to join in praying for this sweet family and that they are able to bring Anna Gray home sooner than later.  She NEEDS to be in a home where she is taken care of and loved just like your own children.  If you don't believe in prayer than I would advise praying for this family and I just know you'll see a miracle happen before your eyes! 

If you would like to be praying and show your support for Anna Gray and her forever family you can go to their blog at:  Growing With Grace .  I know they would like to know so many are praying :)

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.  Mark 11:24

- Jordan

1 comment:

Amber Lee said...

Thank you, Jordan! We have faith in the power of prayer! Every one helps.